How to freeze your bank account

How to freeze your bank account
Useful information from CBN against bank account hackers

Learn How to freeze your bank account in Nigeria.

In case you find yourself in the hands of 419, yahoo boys, or phone snatchers, that you think they may hack into your account for fund withdrawals. There is now a way out to stop debit transactions on your account by yourself.

Just be sure that you know your account number offhand or retrieve it where you might have written it (in case you don’t know it offhand)

n case you find yourself in the hands of 419, yahoo boys, or phone snatchers, that you think they may hack into your account for fund withdrawals.


How to freeze your bank account

If it is your phone that is stolen just try and use any available cellphone from anyone else.


Dial *966*911#


Once you dial the code, it will prompt you with this message: *eaZybanking – Stop Debit Transactions*


Enter Account Number:



Press OK or Send.

By doing this your account will be automatically frozen from any type of debit transaction immediately. You can no longer withdraw money until you go to the bank yourself.

Kindly share this information with family and friends.

Banks in Nigeria

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I am a DIY enthusiast, I write contents to educate, enlighten and bless. A graduate of Business Administration and currently an MBA student.